Thursday, April 14, 2016

ML Workshop Update

During the ML Workshop last Saturday, four members (Tai Wei, Alan, Jennifer and Crystal) of our research group have been trained to understand perceptron at code level (in C language). They are ready to help other members who are interested in ML go through the learning curve of this basic Artificial Neural Network (ANN) skill. This basic training will form the foundation for the next-level neural network- Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), which is much more complicated. 

Currently, we are actively exploring the MLP in two Advanced STEM Research projects. One is applying MLP to do regression for the drone position detection; another one is to use MPL to do classification for hand gesture recognition based on EMG signals. Once we understand more about MLP at code level, we will be hosting our next ML Workshop to train our group members. 

In the mean time, any one who missed the last workshop and is interested in learning the perceptron can contact Tai Wei, Alan, Jennifer or Crystal directly to arrange an one-to-one training session (about 1~2 hours). You can also contact me for any training arrangement. We are expecting to use MLP and more advanced algorithms to solve real-world problems.

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